Blends in perfectly!
The Industry’s Strongest Warranty
For 27 years LeavesOut has proven to perform with any type of tree debris, all types of roofs and all gutters. LeavesOut Gutter Guards offer a lifetime no-clog and Alcoa material warranty, a money back performance guarantee, a 20 year transferable warranty. and have been tested against 12″ of rain an hour giving you an unmatched peace of mind. With our unlimited color selection, low profile appearance, one-of-a-kind stainless steel components and a flawless customer service record, LeavesOut has proven to be the one system that will forever protect your greatest investment, your home. Our customers receive a return on investment within 3-5 years because LeavesOut prevents future wood rot, gutter cleaning, foundation damage, exterior and interior moisture damage, and pest control infestations.
We Use Your Existing Gutters
Most gutters are aluminum and don’t rust, so when they are protected from debris, insects, and ice damage they can last 30-50 years. Even if the customer has new gutters and LeavesOut guards are installed, the total cost is much less than installing an all-in-one system. Our solid connection to the gutters withstands high winds, ice and snow without compromising your existing roof. LeavesOut can be easily removed if your gutters or roof ever need to be repaired or replaced.
Installs On Any Roof Or Gutter
LeavesOut guards will fit on all widths and types of gutters including 5″ to 6″ gutters in aluminum, vinyl, copper and galvanized material. Our guards can be installed not only on standard shingled roofs, but also on cedar shake roofs, metal roofs, slate roofs and on virtually flat roofs to an almost vertical 23/12 pitch. Bottom line; LeavesOut can be installed where other products cannot. We have yet to find a home that we can’t protect 100%.
Lifetime Material Warranty
Most gutter guards are only painted on the top side with a limited warranty. LeavesOut Gutter Guards are manufactured from a high tech ALCOA aluminum with two full colors of waterborne acrylic emulsion on both sides. This exceptional finish out-performs other coatings, even specially formulated polyesters in color-hold, adhesion and corrosion resistance. LeavesOut warrants to the initial buyer that the finish will not chip, peel, flake, or blister under normal wear and tear conditions, if installed according to our specifications, for as long as you own the property. This limited lifetime warranty may be transferred with the property as specified under “Warranty Transfer.”
Patented Hurricane Stainless Steel Fasteners
There are 17 points to the patent on the Stainless Steel Hurricane Clips which withstands Hurricane winds. Most all other gutter covers use plastic, PVC or aluminum to install their Covers. The most critical part of the system is the size of the gap between the top of the gutter and the bottom of the product. Twenty-seven years has proven that Leaves Out Gutter Guard’s gap is so small you never have to worry about a clogged gutter again. Yet it remains one of the few products that will allow you to hang Christmas Lights after it is installed!
44 Point Inspection And Repair 
Our goal is to eliminate the need for our customers to ever have to climb a ladder again. One way to help ensure this is by giving you an inspection of water damage to your gutters, roof, flashing, exterior, foundation, interior (if requested), landscaping, hard surfaces, and any other place that would indicate possible moisture damage to your most valuable investment. When we do find damage that is in our scope we will be happy to repair it for you.
We Custom Match The Color of Guards With Your Home
LeavesOut offers 23 standard colors and over 100 additional custom colors, including copper. We can even exact match any custom color. Our customers have found black to be the least visible and looks like a low profile shadow just above the gutter. We will let you decide which color best suits your home. In addition we offer a wide variety of gutter and downspout colors to choose from.
Protects Your Roof With Flashing

LeavesOut guards adds an extra layer of flashing to prevent water from entering your roof and damaging the fascia, sub fascia, soffit, trusses, exterior walls, and roof panels. The installation of LeavesOut Gutter Guards will not void the roof warranty. LeavesOut gutter guards are secured to the gutter lip with the material slipped between the 2 bottom layers of shingle. They are not glued, nailed, or screwed to the roofing, as are some other products on the market. When it comes time to re-shingle the roof, LeavesOut gutter guards can be easily removed and reinstalled where other similar products are very difficult to remove and nearly impossible to reinstall and still function properly (ask any roofer.) Each joint is telescoped, or overlapped, thus functioning and looking like one seamless piece.
LeavesOut “Nose” is Protected
From the beginning my Father wanted to protect the “nose” or front of our gutter guard by positioning it slightly back from the outside of the gutter. This protects LeavesOut guards from ladders denting and scratching the front or “nose” of the gutter cover. We are able to maintain this positioning because of the integrity of our stainless steel clips and because our gap is about half that of other products which are forced to push their “nose” forward to prevent debris from getting in.